About IBS

For people interested in any aspect of this great state of Indiana, Indiana Book Supply offers hundreds of books written about Indiana or written by Indiana authors.
We Are Here For You
For Retailers – we have on hand hundreds of books written about Indiana or written by Indiana authors. We offer these at industry standard terms competitive with the largest wholesalers in the nation. Whether you are a locally based retailer or part of a national chain, merchandising Indiana themed books is a great way to show your customers you care about community. Sourcing your books locally makes a lot of sense for many reasons, and being based in Indiana allows us the opportunity to provide our retail customers with the best service possible. If you are interested in stocking Indiana related books in your store give us a call at 317-352-8200.
For Publishers – if you are publishing books by Indiana authors or about Indiana be sure to send us information about those books. We want to make them available to the many Indiana retailers we service.
For Indiana Authors/Independent Presses – At Indiana Book Supply we strive to help support the written arts in Indiana. Over the years we have offered free consultation to hundreds of first time authors, long-time authors, non-profit organizations, and independent publishers. Our management team has nearly 100 years of experience in all aspects of the book business from retail, wholesale, distribution, production, editing, publishing, and design. If you are a Hoosier or Indiana based non-profit organization or small press thinking about publishing a book contact us as early in the process as possible. We can help you avoid mistakes that can cost you money or limit the potential for sales. The publishing business is constantly changing and it has many moving parts. If you live in Indiana and have a question about any aspect of the book business send us an email at info at indianabooksupply.com. We are here to help.
Where We Came From
Indiana Book Supply (IBS) is affiliated with Cardinal Publishers Group (CPG.) CPG is the largest national book distributor based in Indiana and one of the largest independently owned national book distributors in the country. IBS & CPG were founded by the husband and wife team of Tom and AJ in 2000. Visit cardinalpub.com to learn more about who we are.